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  • Home > Links > Psychology, Counseling and other Social Sciences

    Psychology and Counseling Links

    This is a grabbag category. I am very interested in psychology and am devoting a portion of my life to obtain a degree in that field, counseling psychology, to be specific. Not much to say right now, but enjoy the links.

    Last updated 06/10/07
    Newest items marked with a *

    Psychology - General
    U of Texas Psych Resources
    Behavior Online
    Center for Psychology Resources
    Psychology of Blogs
    The Psychology of Perception blog
    American Psychological Society
    Psych Central
    Google psychology directory
    National Mental Health Info Center
    Phobia List
    Mind Tools
    National Mental Health Info Center
    International Society for Mental Health Online
    Social Psychology.org
    Info about William James
    Personal Meaning
    APA Style Essentials
    National Institute of Drug Abuse
    Scientific Review of Mental Health Practices
    Online Readings of Psychology and Culture
    Freedom of the Mind
    To Done
    Mind Tools
    Bully Online
    Prevent Tragedy
    You Me Works.com
    Psychological Research on the Web
    Psychology of Risk Taking
    Net Addiction resources
    Shrink Tank
    Psychology software downloads
    IQ Test
    The Lucidity Institute
    A Guide to Psychology and its Practice
    Psychological Documents Online
    DSM IV Diagnoses and Codes
    Mental Health Matters
    Articles, Research and Resources in Psychology
    Help Guide
    Healthy Place Community
    Classic Essays on Identity Theory
    All Psych (online classroom)
    George Herbert Mead Documents
    Dr. Bob's Links
    Partnership for a Drugfree America - Contains a great deal of useful information about drug usage and the dangers involved, as well as info about specific drugs, information for parents and teens, and how to get help.
    Academy of Cognitive Therapy - A place to learn more about cognitive therapy from the experts. What is it? How do you find a therapist that does it? Also very useful is the section on self-help books that utilize cognitive therapy techniques.
    Encyclopedia of Psychology - Vast resource with tons of information about just about any aspect of psychology you might want to know, including theories, people and history, learning resources and career information.
    Psych Matters - Site with an emphasis on the psychoanalytic approach. Jungian and Freudian stuff. Has papers to read and other interesting stuff.
    Psyke.org - Self injury information and support. Lots of good reading here.
    The Psychology Wiki* - Site that aims "to provide an up-to-date, authoritative statement of knowledge, theory, and practice in the whole field of psychology. The site is written to serve both staff and students of our academic community, to inform professionals, both in training and in the field, and to provide information for the people we seek to help."
    Psychology - Personality
    Online MBTI
    Online NEO PI
    Keirsey Temperment Guide

    Myers Briggs Personality Assessment
    Know Your Type - official MBTI
    Morris's page of Personality Types
    Humanetrics (Jung Personality Type test)
    Typelogic Personality Type Explanations
    International Personality Item Pool
    Personality Test Center
    The Personality Page
    Great Ideas in Personality, theory and research
    Rorschach.org - Info about the original inkblot test. Although nonprofessionals cannot get their hands on a test, it is still very interesting to learn more about this fascinating test. And yes, I'm aware that this isn't strictly a personality test, but that is what most people know it as.

    Parenting and Child Care
    Foundations of Parenting
    Parenting Web
    Dr. Greene
    Attachment Parenting International
    The Family
    Praising your Child
    Sites for Parents
    Parent Bytes
    Ready Set School! - This site's aim is to help parents take an active role in teaching their children, even if they choose public schools (or maybe especially if they choose public schools). Lots of great resources.
    Fathers for Life
    Everything Homeschooling - Great site with a lot of content that helps the parent that wants to teach their little rugrats at home.
    Child Development Info - Site put together by a clinical psychologist with lots of information for parents. A lot of resources and research cited here.
    Surfing the Net with Kids - Barbara J. Feldman, a columnist, mother, wife and web surfer who created a site full of resources for kids and parents. Web safety is a great thing, and absolutely vital for children.
    The Kids on the Web - A bunch of resources for parents and children. Some educational, some pure fun, all of them safe for kids.
    Funbrain - A site with a chock full of resources for kid fun on the web. Games, movies, reading, education and more. Nice interface and good times.
    Netsmartz - Required reading for parents who want to know how to keep their kids safe while on the web. Geared for parents of children ranging from the very young to teens.
    Net Safe Utah - While the site is written for residents of Utah, there is plenty of useful information and guidelines that are useful to anyone with children.

    Psychology - Therapy
    Existential Psychology
    Narrative Therapy Gateway
    Postmodern Therapy News
    Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
    Behavioral Health Care
    Narrative Therapy Approaches
    4 Therapy Network
    Postmodern Psychology
    Narrative Psychology
    Family and Marriage Counseling
    Marriage and Family Therapy
    American Counseling Association
    Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change
    Narrative Psychology
    Be Your Own Therapist
    Continuing Education Courses for Prof. Counselors
    Sociodynamic Counseling, a Constructivist Perspective
    Therapy Advisor
    Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy
    Alternative Psychology (non-mainstream)
    Online Guide to Dream Interpretation - Just as it sounds, this site helps you make sense of dreams. Interesting, but I'm not sure how much peer-reviewed research is behind it.
    Institute for Noetic Sciences
    Energy Psychology
    Emotional Freedom Techniques
    Handwriting Analysis
    Handwriting University
    Ancient American
    Biblical Archeological Society
    American Memory at Library of Congress
    BBC History
    Internet History Sourcebook
    Humanities and Soc. Sciences
    Center for History and New Media
    History News Network
    Institute of Historical Research
    U.S. History.org
    Nurnberg Trials Collection
    Computer History Museum
    The Space Race
    History Buff
    Celebrity Morgue
    Ghost Towns
    My Cochise
    Illinois Historic Preservation
    MesoAmerican Studies
    Rabbit in the Moon; Mayan Culture
    Society of Antiquarians of Newcastle
    1st-Hand History.org
    About.com Ancient History
    About.com Medieval History
    Ancient Sites
    Center for Cooperative Research
    Famous Americans
    Association for Renaissance Martial Arts
    Eyewitness to History - This site attempts to give the reader a truly insider view of historic events. It has many categories, ranging from the ancient world down to the 20th century. They tend to use first-hand accounts of significant events to give a unique perspective on said events.
    Archiving Early America - A window to Early America, contains a wealth of primary source materials from 18th century America.
    World Wide Web History Center* - To quote the site, this is a "non-profit educational organization to make public the history of the World Wide Web and preserve it for posterity."
    Academy of Achievement
    Invisible Heroes
    Heroic Stories
    My Daily Insights
    As a Man Thinketh
    Og Mandino World
    Share this Site
    Thoughts on Voluntary Simplicity
    Specialties in Psychology
    Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry page
    Forenzic.com - Psychology and the Law
    Academy of Behavioral Profiling
    Psychiatry and Law Updates
    International Journal of Forensic Psychology
    Ultimate Forensic Psychology Database (archive)
    Self Help
    Success Secrets for Women
    The Science of Getting Rich
    Lazy Success
    Self-Improvement Ebooks
    Creativity and Innovation Portal
    Creative Thinking.org
    Selfhelp Magazine
    Doyletics - memory and emotions
    Healing Feeling from your Heart
    Stress Free
    Disordered Minds sleep problem community
    LifeHack - This site helps by giving information on how to do things faster, better, more efficient. Great self help site.
    Mind Tools - Helps individuals build the skills they need to advance their careers. They have free content and paid content, and even a free newsletter.
    Self Growth - While there is plenty to buy here, a lot of good, free information is available for those who want to grow.
    Self Science - Site that helps you learn about and develop your Emotional Quotient.
    IQ and Other Tests
    Catalogue of Tests - PDF and DOC files of various psychology tests, made available for student researchers.
    Creax Creativity Self Assessment
    Psychology Today psych test
    Above Top Secret
    Anomalies Unlimited
    All About Ghosts
    The Ghost Stalkers
    Ghost Study
    The Enigma Project
    Psi Tek
    Sacred Magick
    Psychic Students in Pursuit of Guidance
    Parapsychology Wikipedia entry
    Human Horrors
    Concentration Camps
    Torture through the ages
    The Heritage of the Great War
    The Nanjing Massacre
    African American Holocaust
    All Things Dark and Gruesome
    Torture in Iraq
    Rwanda genocide
    The Niskor Project (holocaust memorial)
    Crime Library
    Seize the Night - Site about famous mafia members, serial killers, famous military leaders, comspiracy theories and haunted spots in the U.S.
    Specific Psychological Theories or Individuals
    A Tribute to Viktor Frankl
    Lev Vygotsky Archive - Vygotsky had a unique brand of psychology that emphasized individual development as a result of societal influence. Years ahead of his time. He was a staunch Marxist, as well. This site has the texts to many of his writings.
    Substance Abuse Treatment
    DMOZ listing for Drugs - Open directory on drugs. Great place to start your search for drug information.
    DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy - Not a clinical site, but a lot of information that is important for a clinician to know about substance use and public policy.
    Drugs.com - Drug information online. Extensive library of info on prescription drugs and their interactions with other drugs. Has a nice "pill identifier" feature, too. If you must take prescriptions, this is a great resource.
    Drug Story.org - Maintained by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, this site has a wealth of information and links to info about drugs and drug use.
    Erowid - Strange name, interesting site. As they say on the front page, this site is "documenting the complex relationship between humans and psychoactives. Takes a fairly neutral stance on drugs, and talks about both the positives and negatives of illicit usage.
    Join Together - Advocates for sound drug and alcohol programs and policies. They also provide information and have several of their publications in pdf form for download.
    RxList - The internet drug list. Has info on all the drugs you may want to look up.


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